About Our School
What is Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)?
PBIS is an approach to increase positive behaviors that impact student success and achievement. It involves identifying behavior expectations and encouraging students to follow those expectations by setting up systems of rewards that can be earned. This is intended to build positive habits, behaviors, and relationships. PBIS also involves putting steps in place for students who need additional supports while creating many opportunities to succeed and thrive. At Lindbergh we often refer to PBIS as PAWS.
"If a child does not know how to read, we teach.
If a child does not know how to swim, we teach.
If a child does not know how to multiply, we teach.
If a child does not know how to drive, we teach.
If a child does not know how to behave, we.... teach? ....punish?
Why can't we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others?" (Herner, 1998)
Behavior is learned, so we teach what it SHOULD look like, and what it SHOULD NOT look like. Then we practice, reinforce, and provide interventions. We can improve behavior by 80% just by pointing out what one person is doing correctly!
At Henry Elementary School, we focus on teaching the whole child by providing an enriched learning environment packed with fine arts and diverse cultural experiences that build a strong sense of community. We practice the “4 B’s”: Be safe, be respectful, be responsible and be kind. This approach sets the tone and vision for students to become respectful and responsible citizens who are lifelong learners.
We are very lucky to have the Opening Minds through the Arts: OMA Gold program at Henry. We have professional artists who work with our students at least once a week to extend our learning of the curriculum through their specific art forms. The students learn to express themselves and learn kinesthetically in ways that are unique to only a few select schools in TUSD! Check out what our students get to experience at each grade level!
Kindergarten: Creative Dance
1st Grade: Opera
2nd Grade: Creative Dance
3rd Grade: Visual Arts
4th Grade: Orchestra/Band
5th Grade: Orchestra/Band
Free Full Day Kindergarten
We have free full day kindergarten at Henry! Our team of early childhood educators offers a range of styles and strengths that is comprised of almost 75 years of combined experience! We welcome visitors to tour our school to find out if Henry is the right place for your child and your family. We'd love to meet your future Gila Monster!
We have an exciting technology package. Each classroom is equipped with a Promethean Board, which is like a large interactive touch screen the size of a chalkboard. Teachers and students use Promethean Boards extensively for teaching and learning. All students at Henry use the computer lab, located in the library, to learn the basics from keyboarding and early computer skills to doing web-based research and programs, digital storytelling, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and other programs. Additionally, we have 4 sets of computer labs on wheels (COWs) that classrooms utilize for classroom enrichment.
Academic Support and Enrichment
There is a range of support and enrichment for learning here at Henry. Teachers specialize in classrooms with a strategy called differentiated instruction to target support for children at their learning level. We also have a technology called SuccessMaker in all grades which works with individual students in math and reading to support grade level skills or stretch learning beyond. This program is, of course, in addition to "first instruction" by teachers. Students who qualify for Exceptional Education receive additional support to build and solidify skills, and those who qualify for GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) experience high-level learning once a week; both Ex Ed and GATE lessons are taught by veteran specialists in these areas. We want all students to achieve academic success at their highest potential!
We have a professional counselor and psychologist on staff to support student behavioral and social growth, including teaching lessons in classrooms each week.
School-wide Discipline Program
We know the importance of having a well-disciplined school. Every teacher has an individual classroom discipline plan, and at the school level, we use what is call PBIS, Positive Behavioral Intervention Support, where we identify expectations for behavior in four categories (The Four "Be's": Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Caring) and recognize student efforts in these areas by catching them making good choices. We also use Love and Logic, a strategy that emphasizes the consequences of actions doing the teaching, Restorative Circles and Conferences, and the TUSD rulebook known as Student Rights and Responsibilities. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying and work hard as a team to ensure a safe, orderly, focused school at all times.
Traditions, Celebrations & Community Events
School is also here to celebrate kids and life! To that end, we have a quarterly Student Recognition Assembly, where individual children are identified for excellence and given a moment to be recognized in front of family and peers. Some of our fun traditions include the annual Halloween Parade, our staff-serving-the-students at our Rodeo Pancake Breakfast, Field Day, Tie Dye Tuesday, and more. Each month our PTA has a community building activity, like movie night, restaurant night, a quarterly roller skating party, the huge Fall Festival, book fairs, and more. We work hard, but we play hard, too!
Preschool, Before/After School, and Summer Programs
Kristina Ibarra coordinates the Henry Community School preschool, before/after-school, and summer programs. She has many years of experience in this capacity managing similar programs at several other TUSD schools. Ms. Ibarra can be reached at (520) 731-4757. Email Kristina Ibarra.