
School Photos - Love of Reading Week
Two students sit on the floor reading books by flashlight
A wall with cutouts of four students and speech bubbles talking about their favorite book
Two students lay on the floor reading books by lantern light
Cutouts of four students with speech bubbles explaining their favorite book choice
Three students sit cross-legged on the floor using flashlights to read their books
School Photos - Second Day of School
A mom and her four kids pose in front of the Henry Gila Monsters mural
Kids play on the playground equipment at recess
School buses line up outside Henry on the second day of school
A cafeteria worker smiles as he prepares lunch for students
A mom hugs her son on the second day of school
A boy poses at his desk while working on a worksheet
Students outside on the playground with mountains and clouds in the background
A girl in a birthday crown drops a die down a paper towel tube while her teacher and a fellow student look on